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File: examples/material-design/js/jquery.router.js

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File: examples/material-design/js/jquery.router.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Secure PHP Login System
Register and login users using a database via PDO
Author: By
Last change: Update of examples/material-design/js/jquery.router.js
Date: 3 months ago
Size: 9,876 bytes


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/* plugin name: router jquery plugin to handle routes with both hash and push state why? why another routing plugin? because i couldnt find one that handles both hash and pushstate created by 24hr // camilo.tapia author twitter: camilo.tapia Copyright 2011 camilo tapia // 24hr (email : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ (function($) { var hasPushState = (history && history.pushState); var hasHashState = !hasPushState && ("onhashchange" in window) && false; var router = {}; var routeList = []; var eventAdded = false; var currentUsedUrl = location.href; //used for ie to hold the current url var firstRoute = true; var errorCallback = function() {}; // hold the latest route that was activated router.currentId = ""; router.currentParameters = {}; // Create a default error handler router.errorCallback = errorCallback; router.capabilities = { hash: hasHashState, pushState: hasPushState, timer: !hasHashState && !hasPushState }; // reset all routes router.reset = function() { var router = {}; var routeList = []; router.currentId = ""; router.currentParameters = {}; } router.add = function(route, id, callback) { // if we only get a route and a callback, we switch the arguments if (typeof id == "function") { callback = id; delete id; } var isRegExp = typeof route == "object"; if (!isRegExp) { // remove the last slash to unifiy all routes if (route.lastIndexOf("/") == route.length - 1) { route = route.substring(0, route.length - 1); } // if the routes where created with an absolute url ,we have to remove the absolut part anyway, since we cant change that much route = route.replace(location.protocol + "//", "").replace(location.hostname, ""); } var routeItem = { route: route, callback: callback, type: isRegExp ? "regexp" : "string", id: id } routeList.push(routeItem); // we add the event listener after the first route is added so that we dont need to listen to events in vain if (!eventAdded) { bindStateEvents(); } }; router.addErrorHandler = function(callback) { this.errorCallback = callback; }; function bindStateEvents() { eventAdded = true; // default value telling router that we havent replaced the url from a hash. yet. router.fromHash = false; if (hasPushState) { // if we get a request with a qualified hash (ie it begins with #!) if (location.hash.indexOf("#!/") === 0) { // replace the state var url = location.pathname + location.hash.replace(/^#!\//gi, ""); history.replaceState({}, "", url); // this flag tells router that the url was converted from hash to popstate router.fromHash = true; } $(window).bind("popstate", handleRoutes); } else if (hasHashState) { $(window).bind("hashchange.router", handleRoutes); } else { // if no events are available we use a timer to check periodically for changes in the url setInterval( function() { if (location.href != currentUsedUrl) { handleRoutes(); currentUsedUrl = location.href; } }, 500 ); } } bindStateEvents(); router.go = function(url, title) { if (hasPushState) { history.pushState({}, title, url); checkRoutes(); } else { // remove part of url that we dont use url = url.replace(location.protocol + "//", "").replace(location.hostname, ""); var hash = url.replace(location.pathname, ""); if (hash.indexOf("!") < 0) { hash = "!/" + hash; } location.hash = hash; } }; // do a check without affecting the history router.check = router.redo = function() { checkRoutes(true); }; // parse and wash the url to process function parseUrl(url) { var currentUrl = url ? url : location.pathname; currentUrl = decodeURI(currentUrl); // if no pushstate is availabe we have to use the hash if (!hasPushState) { if (location.hash.indexOf("#!/") === 0) { currentUrl += location.hash.substring(3); } else { return ''; } } // and if the last character is a slash, we just remove it currentUrl = currentUrl.replace(/\/$/, ""); return currentUrl; } // get the current parameters for either a specified url or the current one if parameters is ommited router.parameters = function(url) { // parse the url so that we handle a unified url var currentUrl = parseUrl(url); // get the list of actions for the current url var list = getParameters(currentUrl); // if the list is empty, return an empty object if (list.length == 0) { router.currentParameters = {}; } // if we got results, return the first one. at least for now else { router.currentParameters = list[0].data; } return router.currentParameters; } function getParameters(url) { var dataList = []; // console.log("ROUTES:"); for (var i = 0, ii = routeList.length; i < ii; i++) { var route = routeList[i]; // check for mathing reg exp if (route.type == "regexp") { var result = url.match(route.route); if (result) { var data = {}; data.matches = result; dataList.push({ route: route, data: data }); // saves the current route id router.currentId =; // break after first hit break; } } // check for mathing string routes else { var currentUrlParts = url.split("/"); var routeParts = route.route.split("/"); //console.log("matchCounter ", matchCounter, url, route.route) // first check so that they have the same amount of elements at least if (routeParts.length == currentUrlParts.length) { var data = {}; var matched = true; var matchCounter = 0; for (var j = 0, jj = routeParts.length; j < jj; j++) { var isParam = routeParts[j].indexOf(":") === 0; if (isParam) { data[routeParts[j].substring(1)] = decodeURI(currentUrlParts[j]); matchCounter++; } else { if (routeParts[j] == currentUrlParts[j]) { matchCounter++; } } } // break after first hit if (routeParts.length == matchCounter) { dataList.push({ route: route, data: data }); // saved the current route id router.currentId =; router.currentParameters = data; break; } } } } return dataList; } function checkRoutes() { var currentUrl = parseUrl(location.pathname); // check if something is catched var actionList = getParameters(currentUrl); // If no routes have been matched if (actionList.length == 0) { // Invoke error handler return router.errorCallback(currentUrl); } // ietrate trough result (but it will only kick in one) for (var i = 0, ii = actionList.length; i < ii; i++) { actionList[i].route.callback(actionList[i].data); } } function handleRoutes(e) { if (e != null && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.state !== undefined) { checkRoutes(); } else if (hasHashState) { checkRoutes(); } else if (!hasHashState && !hasPushState) { checkRoutes(); } } if (!$.router) { $.router = router; } else { if (window.console && window.console.warn) { console.warn("jQuery.status already defined. Something is using the same name."); } } })(jQuery);